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智能设备MarsCat 家用仿生机器猫

2020-02-18  6485


Fully autonomous, highly interactive and easy to program, MarsCat is a purrfect companion with endless possibilities!


MarsCat, Purrfect Bionic Pet Cat for You

MarsCat是大象机器人公司(Elephant Robotics)开发的世界上第一只仿生宠物猫,其目标是成为家用机器人,使您感到舒适和惊喜的机器人宠物。就像真正的猫一样,MarsCat是完全自主的,不需要额外的指令来控制其运动。

MarsCat is the world’s first bionic pet cat developed by Elephant Robotics, aiming to be a home robot, a robotic pet to comfort you and surprise you. Just like a real cat, MarsCat is fully autonomous. No extra instruction is needed to control its movements.

它具有充分的响应能力并具有敏感的交互作用。它可以感觉到您的触摸,听到您的声音,看到您的脸并和您一起玩玩具。每只MarsCat从眼睛,身体到性格都是独特的,其个性会根据您宠爱它的方式而变化。借助功能强大的四核Raspberry PI,您还可以轻松对其进行编程,并赋予其无限的可能性。

It is fully responsive and has sensitive interactions. It can feel your touch, hear your voice, see your face and play with toys. Every MarsCat is unique from its eyes, body to personality, its personality will change according to the way you pet it. With powerful quad-core Raspberry PI, you can also program it easily and give it endless possibilities.


MarsCat can also be an ideal choice for education, research and commerce.


A Bionic Cat, a Programmable Home Robot with Endless Possibilities


Bionic and Independent


MarsCat Surprises You


You will never know what MarsCat will do next because it is like a real cat, fully autonomous. MarsCat acts independently without any instructions. MarsCat walks, runs, sleeps, sits, stretches, bites nails, kneads and even buries litter although she won’t produce any waste.


It may express different emotions by different meows or gestures. Sometimes it may do some amazing things that surprise you and make your day!


16 servo motors to make MarsCat more bionic


Highly Interactive


MarsCat Delights You

MarsCat是一个很好的伴侣,它具有充分的响应能力和交互性。 它可以与您或您的玩具一起玩,因为它可以感觉,听到和看到。 触摸其头部,下巴或背部以了解其反应! 它也可以与附近的物体或人互动,甚至可以和真猫一起玩。

MarsCat is a good companion, it is fully responsive and interactive. It can play with you or your toys because it can feel, hear and see. Touch its head, chin or back to find out what it will react! It can also interact with objects or people nearby, even play with real cats.


Feel: You can touch its head, jaw and back or even hug it.


Hear: You can talk to MarsCat to order it to walk or come to you, but it will not always follow your command, it has its own feeling.


See: MarsCat will see you or see its own toys. MarsCat can play Teasers (by moving object recognition), Toy-ball, Toy-fish or find its own bed.


Unique and Personality Developing


MarsCat is Shaped by You

从眼睛,身体到个性,MarsCat都是独一无二的。MarsCat有6个可以更改的字符。她可能热情,超然,精力充沛或懒惰,社交或害羞。 她的个性通过您宠爱她的方式发展。

MarsCat is unique from its eyes, body to personality. MarsCat has 6 characters which can be changed. She may be enthusiastic or aloof, energetic or lazy, social or shy. Her personality develops through the way you pet her.


The factors that express MarsCat’s personality:

说话频率 Frequency of speaking;

互动时是否热情 Enthusiastic or not when having interaction;

运动频率 Frequency of movement;

声音的音调… Tone of sounds…


MarsCat will be more enthusiastic if you interact with her more, be more talkative if you talk to it more…


Open Sourced and Programmable


MarsCat is Redefined by You

MarsCat是开源的,我们使用4个主要线程进行处理:视觉(qr_code,object_recognition,face_recognition和运动对象识别),语音(命令和音量db),传感器(陀螺仪传感器,触摸传感器和距离传感器)和AI(过程) 所有数据并执行输出操作)。动作将包括16个电机和运动学的运动+眼部显示+声音效果。

MarsCat is open-sourced, we use 4 main threads to process: Vision (qr_code, object_recognition, face_recognition and moving object recognition), Voice (command and volume db), Sensors (gyro sensor, touch sensor and distance sensor) and AI (process all data and do the output actions) . The action will include movements of 16 motors and kinematics + eye-display + sound effect.

您可以自定义MarsCat的眼球,使其具有规则的眼睛颜色,眨眼,心脏,闪电或任何您喜欢的颜色。该API非常易于使用,只需删除128x128 png / jpg文件即可。

You can customize your own MarsCat's eyeball with regular eye color / a blink / a heart / a lightning or anything you like. The API is quite easy to use. Just drop a 128x128 png/jpg file will work.

您可以轻松地对MarsCat进行编程,并使其具有无限可能。借助功能强大的四核Raspberry Pi,您可以创建自己的应用程序。MarsCat还是教育,研究和商业的理想选择。

You can program MarsCat easily and make it with endless possibilities. With powerful quad-core Raspberry Pi, you can create your own applications. MarsCat is also an ideal choice for education, research and commerce.

我们正在为MarsCat准备无线充电器! MarsCat将拥有自己的床“充电站”。 (渲染的第一个版本供您参考)

We are preparing a wireless charger for MarsCat now! MarsCat will have its own bed "charging station". (First version of the rendering for your reference)



For all MarsCat's designers, you can now find MarsCat's open source code  from here  → https://github.com/elephantrobotics/marsai

We have made an improvement of MarsCat's tail,  the tail will be changed to a rubber coverage, more flexible one.


Open SDK

使用MarsCat SDK,您将可以同时访问大量的传感器和执行器,以实现自己的Cat应用程序。协议和库也是Raspberry PI中开源的。每个人都可以建立自己的cat功能,以用于教育和商业用途。

With MarsCat SDK, you will have access to a huge amount of sensors and actuators at the same time to fulfill your own Cat applications. Also Protocol and library are open-source embedded in Raspberry PI. Everyone can build your own function of cat for education and commercial usages.


The sensors/ actuators you can access includes:

相机 Camera;

相机-人脸,QR码和物体识别 Camera - face, QR code and object recognition;

语音麦克风 Voice Mic;

语音-命令识别 Voice - Commands recognition;

TOF距离激光传感器 TOF distance laser sensor;

多电容触摸传感器 Multiple Capacitance Touch sensor;

所有16个伺服电机:控制角度,速度,扭矩,ID,并接收数据 All 16 servo motors: control angles, speed, torque, ID, and receive the data;

声音-随心所欲 Sounds - as you want;

2个OLED显示器 2 x OLED display on the eye;


Secondary Development

此活动结束后,MarsCat将开源。 我们选择开放源代码,因为我们认为每个人都可能是这个新生物的创造者,您可以自己定制任何功能或应用程序,帮助所有人享受机器人世界是我们的梦想。

MarsCat will be open sourced after this campaign. We choose to open source because we think every people could be the creator of this new creature, you can customize any functions or applications yourself. Helping everyone enjoy Robots World is what we dream to do.


Artificial Intelligence


The brain of vertebrates consists of forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain. Animals receive different stimulations (endocrine system) and release different hormones into blood to influence body and behavior through its central nervous system.


As a bionic cat, in ethology, MarsCat should not only sense like a real cat but also behave like a real one. So the classical artificial intelligence is used into MarsCat. It enabled the sequence from sensor to action.


How Personality Grows


Like a real cat. It has different characters and personalities. Some cats are vivacious, while some are lazy. Some cats are aloof while some are more close to human. Also, some cats are super curious and they meow frequently.


MarsCat is built to allow you to shape its personalities. More interactions with MarsCat will impel it to be more close to you. More conversations with MarsCat will impel it to meow to you often. Every time you touch it, talk to it or even let it see you, will change its personality.


We wanted Mars to be an approachable and instantly likable companion, full of character. However, designing a robotic cat is no easy task. Under its skin, Mars is packed with electronics, motors, gears, batteries, sensors, displays and a structural skeleton with joints.


All of this adds up to some very challenging space and movement constraints that had to be considered when trying to design a friendly feline exterior.


Our starting point in the industrial design process was the initial form factor and technical envelope, coupled with studies of other toy and cartoon cats, as well as the anatomy of real cats. We went through many iterations of the industrial design, often doing multiple design studies for key parts to evaluate the technical performance as well as the visual proportions and expression.

产品规格 Product Specifications

设计过程 Design Process

演示测试 Demo Tests


Aiming to bring robots to everyone, we would like to introduce a new creature for you, a bionic pet, a home robot cat from the future.( 了解更多

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