
日常生活中听得到 印象最深的 广告



3、脑白金。脑白金吆喝起于中国礼品市场,在中国,如果谁提到“今年过节不收礼”,随便一个人都能跟着说“收礼只收脑白金”。 脑白金已经成为中国礼品市场的第一代表;

4、 农夫山泉。农夫山泉,甜并快乐着。农夫山泉只从千岛湖取水,直接表现来自于概念创意“农夫山泉有点甜”;






【英文介绍/For English】:

1. White plus black. Baijiahei decided on a simple and concise advertising slogan as "Cure colds, black and white", and the core message of all advertisements is "Take white tablets during the day and don't fall asleep; take black tablets at night and sleep soundly";

2. Safeguard. Safeguard's success naturally has many factors, but the key point is that it has found a novel and accurate "sterilization" concept. When Chinese people just started to wash their hands with soap, Safeguard started its "education work" that lasted more than ten years, asking Chinese people to really clean their hands and wash away the visible stains;

3. Melatonin. Melatonin shouting originated in the Chinese gift market. In China, if someone mentions "no gifts for this year's festival", anyone can follow along and say "only melatonin is accepted for gifts". Melatonin has become the first representative of the Chinese gift market;

4. Nongfu Spring. Nongfu Spring is sweet and happy. Nongfu Spring only draws water from Qiandao Lake, and the direct expression comes from the concept idea "Nongfu Spring is a bit sweet";

5. Wuliangye. The most powerful and most sought-after advertising slogan is "Wuliangye will tell you the time", and the news broadcast will start five seconds later.