
美术作品 著作权侵权如何认定




3、第三步,确定被控 侵权人的行为,包括对权利人作品的接触、剽窃的认定、合理使用等问题;








【英文介绍/For English】:

Methods for determining copyright infringement of works of art:

1. The first step is to determine the effective existence of the rights of the copyright owner of the artwork;

2. The second step is to determine the scope of protection of the copyright of the copyright owner of the artwork, including the identification of issues such as thought and expression, originality, whole and part;

3. The third step is to determine the behavior of the accused infringer, including access to the rights holder's work, identification of plagiarism, and fair use;

4. The fourth step is the final determination of the infringement and the confirmation of the infringement liability, including the understanding of the cessation of infringement and the amount of compensation.

Article 49 of the Copyright Law stipulates that if the copyright or copyright-related rights is infringed, the infringer shall pay compensation according to the actual loss of the right holder; if the actual loss is difficult to calculate, the compensation may be made according to the illegal income of the infringer. The amount of compensation shall also include the reasonable expenses paid by the right holder to stop the infringement. If the actual loss of the right holder or the illegal gains of the infringer cannot be determined, the people's court shall, according to the circumstances of the infringement, decide to award a compensation of less than 500,000 yuan.