国际市场营销课件(英文) chapter1

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《国际市场营销课件(英文) chapter1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《国际市场营销课件(英文) chapter1(34页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、2023-1-161国际国际市市场营销场营销International Marketing2023-1-162Text and Referencee International Marketing(12th)By Philip R.Cateora&John L.Graham 崔新健改编 中国人民大学出版社e International Marketing(6th)By Michael Czinkota&Ilkka Ronkainen Harcourt,a Division of Thomson Learninge 国际市场营销学国际市场营销学 甘碧群主编 高等教育出版社2023-1-163Co

2、urse Organization and Gradese Course Organization Plans 1-14 Chapter excluding Chapter 8 Cases Classroom Discussinge Exams&Grades Class Participation 10%Classroom Discussing 20%Exercises 20%Final Examination 50%Total 1002023-1-164Chapter1The Scope and Challenge of International Marketing2023-1-165Ch

3、apter Outline The Internationalization of U.S.Business International Marketing Defined The International Marketing Task Environment Adaptation Needed The Self-Reference Criterion and Ethnocentrism Developing a Global Awareness Stages of International Marketing Involvement Strategic Orientation 2023-

4、1-166Chapter Learning Objectives The internationalization of U.S.business The scope of the international marketing task The importance of the self-reference criterion (SRC)in international marketing The progression of becoming a global marketer The increasing importance of global awareness 2023-1-16

5、7Preface“Never before in American history have U.S.business,large and small,been so deeply involved in and affected by international business.A global economic boom,unprecedented in modern economic history,has been under way as the drive for efficiency,productivity,and open,unregulated markets sweep

6、s the world.Powerful economic,technological,industrial,political,and demographic forces are converging to build the foundation of a new global economic order on which the structure of a one-world economic and market system will be build.-(Cateora and Graham)2023-1-168Global Business Trend The rapid

7、growth of the World Trade Organization and regional free trade areas such as NAFTA and the European Union The trend toward the acceptance of the free market system among developing countries in Latin America,Asia and Eastern EuropeThe burgeoning impact of the internet and other global media on the d

8、issolution of national bordersThe mandate to properly Manage the resources and global environment for the generations to come2023-1-169Today,most business activities are global in scope.It is less and less possible for businesses to avoid the influence of the internationalization of the U.S.economy,

9、the globalization of the worlds markets,and the growth of emerging marketing.The challenge of international marketing is to develop strategic plans that are competitive in the intensifying global markets.2023-1-1610With the increasing globalization of markets,Firms face competition on all fronts-Dom

10、estic&ForeignOther foreign companies that entered theU.S.market through exporting their products now build or buy manufacturing plants in the United States to acquire larger market share.Many U.S.companies are now foreign controlled:Carnation(Swiss),Daimler-Chrysler(German)Other Examples U.S.firms s

11、eeking foreign markets to increase profitsIncome&Profit in Foreign MarketsSec.1 The Internationalization of U.S.Business2023-1-1611Foreign Acquisition of U.S.CompaniesU.S.Companies Firestone(tires)Ben&Jerrys(ice cream)Alpo(pet food)Pillsbury(foods)Burger King(fast food)Random House(publishing)Chrysl

12、er(autos)TV Guide(magazine)New York Post(newspaper)CompUSA(retailing)Seagram(alcoholic beverages)Oroweat(breads)Smith and Wesson(guns)Foreign Owner Japan U.K.Swiss U.K.U.K.Germany Germany Australia Australia Mexico France Mexico U.K.Foreign Acquisition of U.S.CompaniesNext2023-1-1612Top10 U.S.Player

13、s in the global GameCompanyExxon MobilIBMFord MotorGeneral MotorsWal-Mart StoresGeneral ElectricTexacoCitigroupHewlett-PackardCompaq ComputerForeign Revenues($Mil)115,46450,37750,13846,48540,79435,35032,70028,74923,39821,174Top10 U.S.Players in the global Game(2003)Foreign Revenues(Percent of Total)

14、Foreign Profits(Percent of Total)N/AN/AForeign Assets(Percent of Total)2023-1-1613Sec.2 International Marketing DefinedInternational marketing is the performance of business activities designed to plan,price,promote,and direct the flow of a companys goods and services to consumers or users in more t

15、han one nation for a profit.The same between domestic and international marketing:Marketing concepts,processes and principles are universally applicable all over the world.Difference?in more than one nation:Complexity Diversity Different environmentInternational Marketing&Domestic Marketing2023-1-16

16、14The uniqueness of foreign marketing comes from the range of unfamiliar problems and the variety of strategies necessary to cope with different levels of uncertainty encountered in foreign markets.Generally speaking,the marketer cannot control or influence the uncontrollable elements(petition,legal

17、 restraints,government controls,weather and so forth),but instead must adjust or adapt to them.Marketer can mold the controllable elements of marketing decisions(product,price,promotion,distribution,and research)within the framework of the uncontrollable elements of the marketplace and achieve the m

18、arketing objectives.The marketer must implement different marketing plans in different countries.2023-1-1615Sec.3 The International Marketing TaskPrice ProductChannels of DistributionPromotion(Controllable)CompetitiveStructurePolitical/Legal ForcesEconomic ClimateDomestic Environment(Uncontrollable)

19、Foreign Environment(Uncontrollable)Political/legal forcesCultural forcesGeography and infrastructureStructure of distributionLevel of technologyEconomic forcesCompetitive forcesEnvironmental uncontrollable elements in country market AEnvironmental uncontrollable elements in country market BEnvironme

20、ntal uncontrollable elements in country market C2023-1-1616e Marketing Decision Factors Under control of marketing manager.e Aspects of the Domestic Environment Home-country elements can have a direct effect on the success of foreign venture and are out of the immediate control of the marketer.(Exam

21、ples on P11)eAspects of the Foreign Environment The process of evaluating the uncontrollable elements in an international marketing program,often involves substantial doses of cultural,political,and economic shock.(Examples on P12)2023-1-1617Sec.4 Environment Adaptation NeededeDifferences are in the

22、 uncontrollable environment of international marketing.(Examples on P14)eFirms must adapt to uncontrollable environment of international marketing by adjusting the marketing mix(product,price,promotion,and distribution).eThe task of cultural adjustment is the most challenging and important one confr

23、onting international marketers.Question1:How to make cultural adjustment according to the author?2023-1-1618Sec.5 Self-Reference Criterion(SRC)and Ethnocentrism:Major Obstaclesee SRC is an unconscious:ones own cultural values,experiences,and knowledge as a basis for decisions.eEthnocentrism:the noti

24、on that ones own culture or company knows best how to do things.It is often a problems for American managers and managers from a affluent countries.eWe tend to react based on meanings,values,symbols,and behavior relevant to our own culture,which are different from those of a foreign culture.(Example

25、s on P15)2023-1-1619The impact of SRC and ethnocentrismee Prevent you from being aware that there are cultural difference or from recognizing the importance of those differences.(Examples on P15)ee An evaluation of the appropriateness of a domestically designed marketing mix for a foreign market.(Ex

26、amples on P15)2023-1-1620How to control the influence of the SRC and ethnocentrism?e To recognize its existence in our behavior,and their effects on us.Be sensitive to differences TO ask questions when doing business in another country.(Examples on P16)2023-1-1621Avoiding the self Reference Criterio

27、n-A Cross-cultural analysisStep1:Define the business problem or goal in home-country cultural traits,habits,or norms.Step2:Define the business problem or goal in foreign-country cultural traits,habits,or norms through consultation with natives of the target country.Make no value judgments.Step3:Isol

28、ate the SRC influence in the problem and examine it carefully to see how it complicates the problem.Step4:Redefine the problem without the SRC influence and solve for the optimum business goal situation.2023-1-1622Sec.6 Developing a Global AwarenessTo be globally aware is to have:1.Tolerant of Cultu

29、ral Difference2.Knowledge of Cultures History World Market Potentials Global Economics,Social and Political Trends2023-1-1623e Tolerant of Cultural Difference Tolerance is understanding cultural differences and accepting and working with others whose behaviors may be different from you.(Examples on

30、P17)e Knowledge of cultures,history,world Market Potential,global economics,social and political trends The knowledgeable marketer will identify opportunity long before it becomes evident to others.2023-1-1624e After a company decides to go international,it must decide the degree of marketing involv

31、ement and commitment it is prepared to make.e General,one of five stages can describe the international marketing involvement of a company.e A company may begin its international involvement at any one stage or be in more than one stage simultaneously.Sec.7 Stages of International marketing Involvem

32、ent 2023-1-1625Stage 1:No Direct Foreign Marketing Not actively cultivate outside customers outside national boundaries.Stage 2:Infrequent Foreign Marketing Temporary surpluses may result in infrequent marketing overseas.Sales to foreign markets are made as goods as available,with little or no inten

33、tion of maintaining continuous market representation.Five Stages of International Marketing Involvement2023-1-1626Stage 3:Regular Foreign Marketing Permanent productive capacity for foreign markets.Employ foreign or domestic overseas middlemen or it may have its own sales force or sales subsidiaries

34、.Usually,the company depend on foreign sales and profits to meet its goals.2023-1-1627Stage 4 International Marketing Fully committed and involved in international marketing activities.To seek markets all over the world.Plan to sell products for markets in various countries.The Production of goods o

35、utside the home market.Become an international or multinational marketing firm.(Examples on P19)2023-1-1628 Stage 5 Global Marketing To treat the world as one market,including their home market.To develop a strategy to reflect the existing commonalities of market needs among many countries.To maximi

36、ze returns through global standardization of its business activities to seek international assignments and the entire operation(organizational structure,source of finance,production,marketing,and so forth)begins to take on a global perspective.2023-1-1629Sec.8 Strategic Orientationc The Different or

37、ientations should be associated with successive stages in the evolution of the international operations in a company.c There are three strategic orientations:Domestic market extension concept;Multidomestic market concept;Global marketing concept.2023-1-1630Domestic market extension orientation The c

38、ompany views its international operations as secondary to and an extension of its domestic operations;The primary motive is to market excess domestic production.Domestic business is its priority,and foreign sales are seen as a profitable extension of domestic operations.Firms with this marketing app

39、roach are ethnocentric.2023-1-1631 Multidomestic Market Orientation The companies recognize that country markets are vastly different and market on a country-by-country basis,with separate marketing strategies for each country.Subsidiaries operate independently in making marketing objectives and mar

40、keting mix,and the domestic market and other foreign markets have separate marketing mixes with little interaction.Firms with this marketing orientation are polycentric2023-1-1632Global marketing Orientation This concept views an entire set of country markets as a unit,identifying groups of prospective buyers with similar needs as a global market segment and developing a marketing plan that strives for standardization wherever it is cost and culturally effective.Firms with this marketing orientation are geocentric.2023-1-16332023-1-1634Assignment P24 1,7.

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