

  • 1.简单英语对话
  • 2.三年级英语对话短文两人简单
  • 3.简单两人英语对话带翻译
  • 4.简单二人英语对话4分钟


  如今 学习英语 的人越来越多,用英语聊天似乎成了一种时尚。下面是我给大家整理的简单英语2人情景对话,供大家参阅!

  简单英语2人对话:likes and dislikes

  A: do you like animals? I really like dogs.

  B: so do i. I don’t like cats.

  A: why? I think cats are ok.

  B: I can’t bear being near cats. They don’t seem to like me either.

  A:I like wild animals. I don’t like spiders and snakes. I think spiders and snakes are disgusting.

  B: I’m fond of snakes. I think they’re great. I agree with you about spiders though. I think spiders are horrible. I think it’s because they have so many legs.

  A; I think bears are wonderful. Pandas are fantastic. I loathe people who kill them for their fur.

  B; I agree. I’m carzy about mice. I think they’re so cute!

  A; really? I don’t see the attraction. I’m afraid of mice.

  简单英语二人对话:likes and dislikes

  A; what do you think of the people in our class? I think most of them are fine.

  B: I think so too. I don’t like mark. He’s so arrogant. I despise arrogant people.

  A: mike is fascinating. I’m fond of people who have something intelligent to say.

  B; carol’s fun to be with. I really look forward to hearing her jokes. What do you think of tom?

  A: he’s all right. I don’t dislike him, but I don’t really like him much either. What do you think of him?

  B: I think he’s ok. He’s very quiet, so it’s hard to know what kind of person he really is.

  A: I’m fond of jane. She’s a very interesting girl. She’s crazy about boy-bands.

  B; really? I’m mad on them too. I should get to know her better. Are you keen on music?

  A: I think that dance music is excellent. I love going to a disco and dancing to the music. I enjoy meeting new people there.

  B; my parents loathe dance music. If I play it at home, they always complain. Are you parents the same?

  A: my mom hates it, but my dad thinks its ok. He doesn’t mind as long as I don’t play the music too loud.

  B; are you hungry? Let’s go and get some pizza. I think pizza is delicious.

  简单英语2人对话:feelings and emotions

  A: hello! How are you today?

  B: hi. I’m feeling very nervous. I just had a test and I’m not sure how well or how badly I did.

  A: it’s not use worrying about it now. you’ve done test and you can’t change any of your answers.

  B: that’s true. I really should go home and prepare for the next test, but I’m feeling tired.

  A: let’s go and get a coffee together. That will help you to wake up again!

  B: ok. I feel like sitting down and having a chat. How have you been recently?

  A; oh, you know me. I’m always happy! If I think I’m getting into a bad mood, I call some friends and socialize or have a chat.

  B: that’s a good idea. I usually just sit at home alone and get increasingly moody.

  A: I hate spending too much time at home. I get bored of it really quickly. I’m always excited about going out to party or other social event and meeting people.

  B: perhaps I’m being too shy. I should go out more too and not spend time worrying about tests!







  Life without the Internet is just too hard to imagine.



  What do you mainly use the Internet for?



  Research, email and chatting with my friends.



  And what did you do before the Internet was invented?



  I wasn't even born then!



  But many people in many countries don't have access to the Internet.



  I wonder how they send email then?



  They don't send email!



  What!!! You mean some people don't have email? I just can't imagine life without email.



  You are such a geek, Jeff!




  Look, doesn't this t-shirt look like the one we saw in the mall yesterday?



  They are pretty much the same. How much is it online?



  150 yuan. It's really cheap. I want to buy it now.



  Hold your horses. Let's talk to the shopkeeper first.



  How and what should we ask?



  We can e-mail the seller when we get home and bargain a little.



  Oh, come on! It's already really cheap and I want to get it now!




  Hi. Do you have this t-shirt?



  Hi. Yes. What size do you want?



  Large. Do you have any other colors?



  It comes in three colors: red, black and white. But the only size we have left in white is large.



  The white is OK…can you lower the price a little bit?



  Sorry. that's the lowest price.



  I'll take two if you can give me a discount.



  How about 300 RMB for both? And I'll send it by express mail.




  简单两人英语小对话: travel

  A: Hi, Mark! Long time no see!

  B: Hi, Alex!

  A: Where have you been?

  B:I just got back from London.

  A:How was your flight?

  B:It was OK. There was a lot of turbulence, though.

  A: That’s too bad . how long was the flight?

  B: It was 10 hours.

  A:Did you have a layover?

  B: Yes, in paris, France.

  A: Did you buy anything in the duty-free stores?

  B:Yes. I bought two boxed of chocolate ? one for me and one for you!

  A: Oh, you didn’t have to …

  B: It was nothing.


  A: How can I help you?

  B: I seem to have lost my train ticket.

  A: What’s your destination?

  B: I’m supposed to be going to ShangHai.

  A: OK. When is your train supposed to leave?

  B: It’s supposed to leave in 30 minutes.

  A: Oh, dear. What’s your last name, please?

  B: S M I T H.

  A: And your passport number?

  B: Z3264356.

  A: Let me see…it doesn’t look like we have any information about your ticket here.

  B: Is there anything you can do for me? If I don’t make it to ShangHai in time, my wife is going go kill me.

  A:Oh dear. I’m really sorry , sir. But you don’t have any proof of purchase. You’ll simply have to purchase another ticket.

  B: How much is that going to cost me?

  A: It depends on how you want to travel. If you want a soft sleeper, it will cost 610 RMB; if you want a hard seat, it will only cost 100RMB.

  B: I can’t possibly travel on a hard seat for 10 hour!

  A: Looks like you might like the soft sleeper then.

  B: Yes, fine. Let me see how much money I have I my wallet.

  A: …sir?

  B: Where’s my wallet? Someone has stolen my wallet!

  A: Perhaps it’s in your other pocket.

  B: You’re right. It is. Let me have a look. I have 419.6RMB. is that enough?

  A: You’re just 4 mao short for the hard sleeper, but I’ll let it go. Anything for love!

  B: Thanks, ma’am. You’re a lifesaver!


  A:Good morning,the Halent Hotel.How may I help you?

  B:Good morning.I’d like to book a room for Friday night and Saturday night.

  A:Certainly.What kind of room would you like?

  B:A single room please.I hope you are not fully booked.

  A:A single room,that’s fine.And whose name shall I make the booking?

  B:Jones.According to your website,the nightly rate is $50,including breakfast.

  A:We offer a 20% discount for guests staying on Friday and Saturday.The total cost will be $80,including breakfast.

  B:Thank you very much.I look forward to seeing you on Friday.

  A:Could I just take your credit card number please?I should mention that there is a cancellation charge of $20.

  B:That’s fine.My credit card number is………


  A:Did you enjoy your weekend at the Halent Hotel?I hear it’s an excellent place to stay and has good facilities.

  B:I had a wonderful time.The rooms are not very big,but they are well furnished.The restaurant is excellent and reasonably priced.There is a sauna and a Jacuzzi.

  A:Do they have a swimming pool?

  B:No, they don’t.They have a beauty parlor,but I didn’t go there.

  A:What’s the service like?

  B:It’s very good.Check in and check out at reception only took a few minutes.The wait staff are very good.A waiter recommended their baked fish,which tasted wonderful.The hotel was quite full.So I suggest making a reservation if you intend to go there.The hotel offers the discount at the weekends.

  A:It sounds perfect.Did you have any complaints at all?

  B:There was a problem with the Internet access.So I couldn’t check my E-mail.But I didn’t complain about it to the management.

  A:I suppose you were happy to forget about the outside world.

  B:Yes,I was.Here’s their business card.

  A:Thanks.Was there a mina bar in the room?

  B;No,there wasn’t.There is a bar on the ground floor,and of course,you can buy drinks in the restaurant to go with your meal.

  A:One of the things I dislike about hotels is that everyone expects tips.

  B:I know.At the Halent Hotel,they have an interesting policy.When you check out,you put money in a special box at reception.Each evening,the money in the box is shared equally by the hotel staff.


  A:Do you think we should travel by bus or by train?

  B:It's a difficult choice.The train is a little faster,but much more expensive.

  A:We could face delays if we travel by bus,thanks to traffic jams.

  B:Buses are more crampt and you can't walk around.

  A:That's true.But I feel that I see more when I travel by bus.

  B:Really?I think you see more traveling by train.

  A:So which form of transport do you prefer to use?

  B:I prefer going by train,even though it costs more.

  A:Ok,then we'll go by train.I'm sure we'll have a good journey.Shall we go to the station and buy the tickets?

  B:The trains aren't usually full.We can get them on the day we travel.We should buy return tickets,because they are much cheaper than getting 2 singles.

  A:We should take a packed lunch on the journey.The food they sell on the trains is always expensive.


  A:How do you think the transport system in our city could be improved?

  B:I think that the public transport system could be made simpler.I never know where the bus routes actually go.The routes seem too twist and turn rather than going roughly in the straight line.

  A:I think we just need to build more roads.Then there will be more space for cars to drive and we'd have fewer traffic jams.

  B:If we build more roads,people would just fill them with cars again.I think we should discourage people from using their cars.

  A:How would you do that?

  B:I think we should do a few things at once.Improving public trasport would incourage people to use that.If we also charge people to use their cars in the city center,they won't use their cars as much.

  A:I don't know.I think it's unfair to make drivers pay more money.They already pay a lot of tax,petrol tax,for example.

  B:I think that they should pay more tax.Look at the damage they cause to the environment and people's health by discharging all those exhaust fumes.

  A:The air would certainly be cleaner if there are fewer cars being used in the city.The problem is the people will see it as reducing their freedom.It will be unpopular.

  B:That's a good point.Car owners will probably be against it.But people who use public trasport will be in favor of it.






  A:Front Desk.


  B:Will you wake me up in the morning?


  A:Yes, what time would you like a wake-up call?


  B:At 7 am sharp.



  A:Hotel front desk.


  B:Hi, I'd like to leave a wake-up call.


  A:For what time?


  B:Please wake me up at 6 am.



  A:Hi, are you Catherine?


  B:Yes, Jason, right? Nice to meet you. Welcome to Taiwan.


  A:Thanks, good to meet you, too.


  B:You had a long flight, you must be tired.


  A:Yes, and the food was horrible!


  B:Oh, sorry to hear that. But, don worry! Taiwan has plenty of great things to eat. First, lets get you to the hotel.


  A:Great! How will we be getting there?


  B:My car is in the parking lot, lets go this way. Let me help you with your bags.



  A:Look. It's the Great Pyramid!


  B.Oh, it's so magnificent!:哦,太壮观啦!

  A:Yes. It's about 137 meters high.


  B:How long are the sides?


  A:They're 230 meters.


  B:It's incredible! How old is it?


  A:It's nearly four and a half thousand years old.


  B:The sphinx is very famous, too.


  A:Yes, you're right.


  B:It's not far from here, right?


  A:Right. Let's go to have a look.





以上就是关于英语小对话二人组简短,简单英语对话的全部内容,以及英语小对话二人组简短 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2023年01月21日11时44分59秒
下一篇 2023年01月21日11时50分20秒


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